Walking With Purpose Bible Study for Women

Beholding Your King
Winter 2025 Study

  • Beholding Your King: A Walking with Purpose Study

    Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 6:30 PM  8:00 PM

    Repeats every Tuesday until March 18, 2025
    Location: Mary & Joseph Room
  • Co-Leads: Noelle Vasquez & Ellen Arsenault
  • Email: WWP.StMatthewNorwalk@gmail.com

    Do you desire to grow in your Catholic faith?  Do you seek connection with other women in our parish community?  We invite you to consider joining Walking with Purpose, a Catholic women’s Bible study program this winter at St. Matthew Church. An informational video link is here: Beholding Your King Promotion Video

    Nine weekly group sessions begin January 21st from 6:30pm-8pm.

    In Beholding Your King, we’ll study King David, select psalms, the temple, and many Old Testament prophets and see the ways in which they all point to the coming King of Kings, Jesus Christ.  This Bible study is the second part of a two-part series, the first of which was Beholding His Glory.  It is not necessary to have participated in the first study in order to participate in this study.

    During this nine-week study, we will learn about the prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament, and their effect on people past and present.  We will discuss Psalm 23, the most familiar of all the psalms, which has comforted people throughout the centuries.  We will also dive into God’s steady purpose in both the Old and New Covenants, and the promises He kept to all of us.

    Walking with Purpose is a women’s ministry with a mission of helping every Catholic woman and girl in America encounter Jesus Christ through our Bible studies.  Make authentic connections with other women.  Refuel and refresh and learn more about God.  Come as you are.  You are welcome here.

    WWP Bible studies involve personal study and small group discussions that link our everyday challenges with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church.

    Registration fee $20 

    After you register, please remember to purchase your book that the study will be using ($25). Click on the link below directly from Walking with Purpose (St. Matthew Church does not purchase your book!)


Beholding His Glory
Fall 2024 Women’s Bible Study

Coordinators: Noelle Vasquez & Ellen Arsenault
Contact: WWP.StMatthewNorwalk@gmail.com

Begins Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024
7:00pm – 8:30pm
9-week Study

Please join us for Fall 2024 session of our Walking with Purpose Bible Study!

Begins Tuesday, Oct. 1 from 7-8:30pm in the Mary and Joseph Room.

Are you looking for an opportunity to meet new women of the Parish? Consider joining our Fall Bible Study, Beholding His Glory!
This is open to women of all ages in our Parish and is a wonderful way to practice reading the bible, share insights, and discuss the ways the scripture applies to our lives.
“Beholding His Glory” will take a deep dive into the Old Testament and we will explore the chronological ways that its people and events point to the coming of Jesus Christ. As we look at Old Testament people and events, we’ll encounter problems that only Christ will solve, needs that only He will satisfy, and promises that only He can deliver.
  • Beholding His Glory shows us how all Scripture points us to our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. We’ll learn to recognize and appreciate God’s plan for our own lives, His awe-inspiring majesty, and His desire for personal intimacy with each one of us.
  • Learn how our Savior was first revealed in Genesis and how He is the answer to the issues of shame and fear.
  • Understand important parallels between the lives of Moses and Jesus, and how both led their people to freedom.
  • Accompany Joseph of the Old Testament on his life journey. The God who proved faithful to Joseph will not disappoint us!
    Click here to Download the Fall Calendar.
    For more information, please reach out to our coordinators, Noelle Vasquez and Ellen Arsenault at WWP.StMatthewNorwalk@gmail.com

Registration fee $20 

After you register, please remember to purchase your book that the study will be using ($25). Click on the link below directly from Walking with Purpose (St. Matthew Church does not purchase your book!)



At St. Matthew WWP, we believe that community with other women is crucial to overall spiritual development. A few times during the year, we take a break from our small group setting and host a Connect Coffee.

All ladies, regardless of faith background, are invited to join us and no previous participation is required!  Come and share in fellowship, laughter, refreshments, and watch an inspirational video. Meet new friends and reconnect with familiar faces.  Join us as we grow together as sisters in Christ and leave with a heart filled with the grace and peace of our Lord.  You belong here!

“We were created for community.  We were never meant to go it alone.  God’s plan has always been for us to experience authentic relationships with one another.” -Lisa Brenninkmeyer

Connect Coffee Dates for the 2024-2025 Season

Reclaiming Friendship
Tuesday Night Bible Study 

Coordinators: Amy Esparza and Noelle Vasquez 
Contact: WWP.StMatthewNorwalk@gmail.com

Begins Tuesday, January 9, 2024

6:30pm – 8:00pm
10 week study

Click here to download the Reclaiming Friendship” Schedule 2024

We’re excited to have you join us at St. Matthew Church for a Walking with Purpose WINTER SESSION!

Reclaiming Friendship: God’s Plan for Deep Connection was written for any woman who wants a true and deep connection that lasts. Explore what it takes to stay close for the long haul, what to look for in a friend, and how to navigate toxic relationships. There is a way to protect your heart without closing yourself off from future intimacy. The key is found in discovering God’s plan for friendship, which was meant to be a foretaste of Heaven.

In a world plagued by loneliness, you are invited to encounter God personally through Scripture. Let God reshape how you see and experience intentional relationships, deal with your past friendship wounds, and become a woman who is capable of the lifelong bond of true friendship.

Registration fee $20

DON’T FORGET TO BUY YOUR BOOK! After you register  PLEASE REMEMBER TO purchase your book DIRECTLY FROM WWP by January 2 using the link below (the church does not purchase your book!)


Join us for our 2023 Fall Session!  Begins Tues, Oct. 17: 7pm-8:30pm

Walking With Purpose 2023 Fall registration is now open! Are you looking for an opportunity to meet new women of the Parish?Consider joining our Fall Bible Study, Living in the Father’s Love!

  • Coordinators: Amy Esparza and Noelle Vasquez 
    Contact: WWP.StMatthewNorwalk@gmail.com
    We are thrilled to lead our first WWP session and hope you will join us! 

Living in the Father’s Love

In a world where women  are measured by their beauty, achievements and possessions,  wouldn’t it be nice to find a place where you could just be valued for who you are?

Living in the Father’s Love will lead you to that safe place where you are unconditionally loved, baggage and all. This 6-week Bible study is the ideal way to revive and refresh yourself. Discover just how much God loves us and how the gospels are deeply relevant to our relationship with God and with those we love.

Walking with Purpose (WWP) is a weekly reflection that aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Christ. Through personal study and small group discussions, the experience helps to link our everyday challenges and struggles to the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Church. 

    • Begins Tues, Oct. 17, 2023: 7pm-8:30pm
    • Six Sessions: Oct. 17 & 24; Nov. 7, 14, 21, & 28
      All are Welcome!
    • Location: St. Matthew Church,  Mary & Joseph Room
    • Registration Fee: $10/person


Rooted & Radiant 2023 Spring Session

Coordinator Contact Information: 
Mallory Moyer: WWP.StMatthewNorwalk@gmail.com

  • Walking With Purpose Spring registration is now open!Are you looking for an opportunity to meet new women of the Parish?Consider joining our Spring Bible Study, “Rooted and Radiant.” This study walks through St. Paul’s Letter to the Colossians, an epistle that addresses a people that faced trials remarkably similar to our own challenges today. In a world increasingly plagued with confusion and chaos, you are invited to encounter the God of clarity and peace!
  • Begins Tues, April 18, 2023 9:30AM -11:00AMSix Sessions:
    Apr. 18 (Connect Coffee); Apr. 25
    May 2, 9, 16, 23 (Connect Coffee)
    All are Welcome!

St. Matthew Church,  Mary & Joseph Room
Registration: $15/person
Don’t forget to purchase the book (link below)!


We’re so excited to Welcome You!
WWP Fall Study: Ordering Your Priorities: Building a Life Well-Lived
Begins Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2022
9:30am – 11am*  ~ 8-Session study
Registration Fee: $15

Another glass of wine, just one more episode on Netflix, a little more scrolling on Instagram…Women are numbing out at ever-increasing rates. Why? What is it about our lives that makes us feel so overwhelmed? What might change if we figured out how to build lives that we like?

Ordering Your Priorities: Building a Life Well Lived is an immensely practical Bible study that will help you put the most important things first. We’ll begin by paying attention to the One who made us, because He can best tell us what we need for our lives to run well.

Ordering Your Priorities, an eight-lesson Bible study, is ideal if you…

  • Are ready to discover not only what matters most in life but also how to prioritize those things
  • Long to feel satisfied at the end of the day, knowing that you’ve loved your family not just in your heart but also in your schedule
  • Want to create a life that you don’t need to escape

A series of talks accompanies this Bible study.
Questions? Contact Mallory: WWP.StMatthewNorwalk@gmail.com

Please contact Mallory for more information: WWP.StMatthewNorwalk@gmail.com


Come see Lisa in Norwalk! ​​​​​​

“Strong Yet Tender: Building Resilience in an age of Trauma”

We’re so excited to welcome Lisa Brenninkmeyer, Founder of Walking with Purpose to St. Matthew Church!
Are you tired of feeling untethered and overwhelmed? Most of our families are experiencing anxiety, woundedness, and stress. Rates of depression, anxiety, loneliness, and alcohol consumption are mounting among women. It appears that our ability to cope, to rise above, is lessening.But that does not need to be your story, or the story of your daughters. This is God’s promise to you and yours in Isaiah 43:2, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”Come and see how, through God’s help, you can build resilience in an age of trauma.
$25 per person. Tickets non-refundable.



For those of you who are new to Walking With Purpose, it is a Women’s Bible Study that will take you on a Spiritual walk with our Lord.  Walking With Purpose would like to help you enjoy a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ, nurtured through personal Bible study and small group discussions created just for women. It is parish-based, approved by parish leadership, and supported by the Walking With Purpose national staff, and welcomes everyone irrespective of faith background, age, or marital status. The program incorporates at-home Scripture study, weekly small group discussion, and monthly talks on relevant study material. Our small group leaders are volunteers who have received training to help facilitate discussions among the women in the group.