Our Lady of the Visitation Chapel Open 24/7

Come experience the peace of God, in the Presence of Jesus while you are at our beautiful St. Matthew Chapel overlooking the pond: 216 Scribner Avenue, Norwalk, CT.

Modified Tabernacle brings access to Adoration, day or night. For access entry code to the Chapel, please email: Chapel@StMatthewNorwalk.org  

What is a Simple Exposition Chapel?
Simple Exposition is when the Eucharist is exposed in a special Tabernacle, and the laity can open a shutter on the Tabernacle door for Exposition, and close the shutter when they leave.
A Luna holder is on the door of the Tabernacle so that you can adore Christ in the Eucharist any time of the day or night, whenever you want.





Why is this so important?
Because there are many consoling spiritual graces attached to the veneration of the Eucharist that we need, and many people cannot come or feel comfortable coming during the main hours when the church is open. This allows us the comfort that Jesus is present to us at any time we need Him in the Eucharist.

All one needs to do is enter the Chapel by an access code (which we will give you on request), walk up to the Tabernacle and open the shutter. Before you leave the Chapel, please remember to close the shutter. I hope many of you will find this Exposition of the Eucharist helpful in your spiritual growth and healing in times of need. Bishop Frank J. Caggiano dedicated the beautiful Chapel on the pond at St. Matthew to “Our Lady of the Visitation” for the sacred worship of the parishioners and visitors. “The name given to the Chapel is fitting,” said Fr Jeff. “Sr Sally said it best: ‘You can come to Our Lady of the Visitation Chapel 24/7 to be with the Lord and visit with Him. And then take His grace to visit others.’” Fr Jeff also explained The Visitation is the first act of Adoration when John the Baptist leaped in Elizabeth’s womb, adoring Jesus.


ACCESS to the Chapel is by keypad entry.

  • For access
    Please email us at Chapel@StMatthewNorwalk.org and provide your name and contact info. You will be sent the code to unlock the Chapel door on the left, using the key pad.