If you are not yet registered at St. Matthew: Please REGISTER ONLINE HERE, and then you can fill out the Baptismal Registration Form.
Pre-Baptism Workshop (via Zoom)
- Do you have a newborn or child who hasn’t been Baptized? The Pre-Bap Workshop allows expectant/new parents to come to a greater understanding of the Sacrament of Baptism as well as review the Baptism Rite used by the Church for the ceremony. Our workshops will take place on Zoom. Please contact Lorraine DeRosa, our Baptism Coordinator, to schedule a time: Lorraine.711@hotmail.com The Workshop allows expectant/new parents to come to a greater understanding of the Sacrament of Baptism as well as review the Baptism Rite used by the Church for the ceremony.
Baptism Scheduling
After you attend the Pre-Baptism Workshop, please complete this ONLINE BAPTISMAL FORM so that you can contact our Baptism Coordinator, Lorraine DeRosa, to schedule your child’s Baptism! Lorraine: lorraine.711@hotmail.com.
This form is for St. Matthew Parishioners only. Godparents must demonstrate regular Mass attendance at St. Matthew, be at least 16 years of age, and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. CLICK HERE
Sponsor Certificates for Baptism (Godparent) or for Confirmation, Click HERE