Youth Group

Katrina Pesta, Youth Ministry Coordinator
203-838-3788, ext, 115

January 22, 2025 from Katrina

I hope everyone’s week is going well. This Sunday we will have our first event at the Open Door Shelter for middle and high school students. Please consider coming to help for even a little bit. It is an incredible gift to have the opportunity to give back to others and the shelter is very excited to have us. You are more than welcome to bring a friend. Its only 90 minutes out of your entire week. I would like to be able to give the Open Door Shelter a head count by the end of the week.
Please reach out wit any questions.
Katrina Pesta
Janurary 26th: MS/HS Service Project- Volunteering at the Community Closet at the Open Door Shelter (Norwalk)
  • 10AM-11:30
  • 55 Chestnut Street, Norwalk CT 06854
  • We will meet at the Open Door Shelter in South Norwalk.
  • Teens will be organizing donations for their community closets
  • Wear comfortable shoes
Please try to RSVP for youth group events no later that the day prior to the event. Thank you!
February 9th: “Soup”er Bowl
  • Youth group members are invited to help collect canned food donations after all masses and stock them in the food pantry
February 23rd- SAVE THE DATE! Soccer for the Soul (13 years old and older)
  • Teens from several Norwalk Parishes will be joining us for a pick up soccer game, snacks and a reflection talk as we prepare to enter into Lent.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any specific questions!

January 18th from Katrina

3rd – 5th Grade  5PM- 7PM in the Great Room

Janurary 26th: 

MS/HS Service Project- Volunteering at the Community Closet at the Open Door Shelter (Norwalk)

We will meet at the Open Door Shelter in South Norwalk. Once they confirm the time there will be a follow up email.

Teens will be organizing donations for their community closets and possibly helping with meal prep for their dinner service

January Youth Group Events

Please try to RSVP for youth group events no later that the day prior to the event. Thank you!

February 9th: 

“Soup”er Bowl

Youth group members are invited to help collect canned food donations after all masses and stock them in the food pantry

February 23rd
SAVE THE DATE! Soccer for the Soul (13 years old and older)

Teens from several Norwalk Parishes will be joining us for a pick up soccer game, snacks and a reflection talk as we prepare to enter into Lent.


Nov. 7
Good morning,

This coming weekend youth ministry will be selling Advent Wreaths after masses to raise funds for future activities. We will need help after each mass. If you are able to stay 15-20 minutes it would be greatly appreicated. Please let me know if you can assist.

Additionally, sign up for our Thanksgiving potluck for middle school and high school students below. I look forward to everyone being together to enjoy mass and a meal.

Have a great week,



November 9th & 10th: Advent Wreath Sale

  • Youth Ministry will be selling advent wreaths at the main doors of the church after every mass (except Sunday 5pm). If you are able to help after the mass you normally attend please let me know.

November 11th: Veteran’s Day 5k Volunteer Opportunity

November 16th: 3rd-5th Grade Youth Group

  • 5:00PM-7:00PM in the Great Room

November 17th: Middle School & High School Thanksgiving Potluck

Oct. 28
From Katrina: Happy Monday! Yesterday’s Trunk or Treat was absolutely fantastic! November is jam packed! I look forward to seeing everyone in the coming weeks!

November  3rd: Advent Wreath Decorating
  • 1PM-2PM in the Great Room FOR ALL AGES
  • Youth Ministry will be selling Advent Wreaths to raise funds for uncoming events. If you are able to come decorate wreaths being sold please let me know. Parents are welcome to stay and help. Stop in for 15 minutes or stay the entire time
November 3rd: 6th Grade Regional Youth Group at All Saints Catholic School
November 9th & 10th: Advent Wreath Sale
  • Youth Ministry will be selling advent wreaths at the main doors of the church after every mass (except Sunday 5pm). If you are able to help after the mass you normally attend please let me know.
November 11th: Veteran’s Day 5k Volunteer Opportunity
November 16th: 3rd-5th Grade Youth Group
  • 5:00PM-7:00PM in the Great Room
November 17th: Middle School & High School Thanksgiving Potluck
  • 6:00PM-7:30PM in the Great Room
  • Sign Up will be sent out closer to the date

Happy Monday!

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Yesterday’s homily focused on staying together and nothing is more exciting than watching youth groups kick off and teens coming together each weekend. Middle school youth group started this past weekend at All Saints and the enthusiasm could be felt.
This month we will be preparing for our Trunk or Treat event at the end of the month! This event was a HUGE hit last year and this year it is going to be bigger and better. Anyone can decorate their cars- please encourage your parents and family members to sign up. We will also be selling refreshments and having some games for the kids! The flyer is attached if you would like to promote the event around town. If you sign up to volunteer at the event or decorate a car, I sign off on service hours! Please remember to have your liability form completed when you come to volunteer or participate in any upcoming activity.
There are no events this week due to Columbus Day weekend! Stay safe if you are traveling and enjoy the extra day off.
October 19th: 3rd-5th grade Youth Group
  • Halloween Games and Fun!
  • 5PM-7PM in the Newman Center
October 20: Middle and High School Youth Group
  • 3PM-5PM in Great Room
October 27: Trunk or Treat Parish Event


September 16, 2024
September is in full spring, and with it, the promise of a fresh start as we transition into the fall season. As we reflect on the blessings of the past months, we look forward to the new opportunities this season brings. We’re excited to offer a series of events designed to inspire, rejuvenate, and bring us closer together. This month is full of moments to deepen our faith and strengthen our community.
Our biggest event is the “FOLLOW ME HOME” YOUTH RALLY THIS SATURDAY! All high school teens are invited. Please feel free to share the link with your friends. All the detailed are listed in the link below! Please sign up sooner rather than later so we can plan accordingly. The bishop wants you there- it is going to be an incredible! Please let me know if you have any questions or need a scholarship from the Diocese of Bridgeport!
Please feel free to reach out with any questions! I look forward to seeing you guys soon!


September 15th: St Matthew Apple Pie & Chili Cook Off
  • 1PM-4PM
  • Youth are encouraged to stop by with their family! Wear your youth group t-shirts if possible
September 21st: “Follow Me Home” High School Youth Event sponsored by the Diocese of Bridgeport and hosted by St. Matthew
September 29th: High School Youth Group
October 6th: Confirmation Regional Youth Group
  • All Saints Catholic School
  • 3:00-5:15
October 19th: 3rd-5th grade Youth Group
  • Halloween Games and Fun!
  • 5PM-7PM in Great Room
The Diocese of Bridgeport requires all volunteers over the age of 18 to complete one training & have a background check before they can volunteer. We are asking all parents to receive VIRTUS certification in order to volunteer for at least one Youth Group event a year.
If you are not VIRTUS trained, please refer to the instructions below to create an account and sign up for an online or in-person training session.
If you are unsure of your status, please go to the link below and enter your username and password to verify the validity of your certification:
2) Click “First-Time Registrant”
3) Click “Begin the registration process”
4) Select “Bridgeport, CT (Diocese)” from the drop-down menu
5) Proceed to follow the prompts and create a username and password
NOTE: It is very important that you select “Diocese of Bridgeport” when registering online for training.
For questions or assistance, please contact the Office of Safe Environment, Diocese of Bridgeport:


Sept. 10, 2024
Good morning,
This email is jammed packed with news! All the events for the different groups we have are listed below, included our youngest youth program. I am working on scheduling another middle school event not connected to confirmation. If there are any organizations in the area you would like to get involved with- let me know! This is your youth group so suggestions and ideas are always welcome!
The biggest, most important reminder is SIGN UP FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH RALLY ON SEPT 21ST! The link is below! You can bring a friend or two or three! A lot of teens have told me they are coming but have not registered- I am ordering the food and shirts this weekend! The bishop wants you there- it is going to be an incredible! Please let me know if you have any questions or need a scholarship from the Diocese of Bridgeport- I do not want you to miss the event because of money!
Please feel free to reach out with any questions! I look forward to seeing you guys soon!
September 15th: St Matthew Apple Pie & Chili Cook Off
  • 1PM-4PM
  • Youth are encouraged to stop by with their family! Wear your youth group t-shirts if possible
September 21st: “Follow Me Home” High School Youth Event sponsored by the Diocese of Bridgeport and hosted by St. Matthew
September 29th: High School Youth Group
October 6th: Confirmation Regional Youth Group
  • All Saints Catholic School
  • 3:00-5:15
October 19th: 3rd-5th grade Youth Group
  • Halloween Games and Fun!
  • 5PM-7PM in Great Room


Sept. 3, 2024
Good morning,
I hope everyone had an amazing and restful summer! I am so excited to kick off another incredible year of youth ministry. Our calendar is jampacked with events that focus on faith, fellowship and service. 
High school youth ministry will be kicking off with a huge teen event hosted by St. Matthew on SEPTEMBER 21st! The Diocese of Bridgeport is expecting a couple hundred teens to participate in prayer, games, service and theres even a BBQ and concert! I would love a strong showing from our parish!!! I link with all the details is below!
Finally, for parents of younger youth our schedule will be very similar to years past! 3rd-5th grade youth group will be the third Saturday of the month from 5PM-7PM (starting in October). Middle School youth group (grades 6th-8th) events will work around the Confirmation schedule with special invitations to later service projects. Next week there will be a digital version of the calendar sent to everyone with these dates. 
Please feel free to reach out with any questions! I look forward to a blessed year together,
Katrina Pesta
September 14th: St Matthew Apple Pie & Chili Cook Off
  • 1PM-4PM
  • Youth are encouraged to stop by with their family! Wear your youth group t-shirts if possible
September 21st: “Follow Me Home” High School Youth Event sponsored by the Diocese of Bridgeport and hosted by St. Matthew
September 29th: High School Youth Group
  • 5PM-6:30 PM
  • Snacks and games in the gym
    **Liability forms MUST be updated every year. Please bring the attached form to our first meeting**

The Diocese of Bridgeport requires all volunteers over the age of 18 to complete one training & have a background check before they can volunteer. We are asking all parents to receive VIRTUS certification in order to volunteer for at least one Youth Group event a year.
If you are not VIRTUS trained, please refer to the instructions below to create an account and sign up for an online or in-person training session.
If you are unsure of your status, please go to the link below and enter your username and password to verify the validity of your certification:
2) Click “First-Time Registrant”
3) Click “Begin the registration process”
4) Select “Bridgeport, CT (Diocese)” from the drop-down menu
5) Proceed to follow the prompts and create a username and password
NOTE: It is very important that you select “Diocese of Bridgeport” when registering online for training.
For questions or assistance, please contact the Office of Safe Environment, Diocese of Bridgeport or St. Matthew Parish Office:


Want to register your child to be part of our Youth Group?
Download and fill out our Youth Group Registration form to receive email updates, learn about our upcoming events and stay in touch with Katrina!
All are welcome!!