Youth Group

Katrina Pesta, Youth Ministry Coordinator
203-838-3788, ext, 115



May is a special month in church. We honor Mary, have several scheduled Communions and are looking forward to several exciting events. Members of Youth Ministry are invited to participate in crowning Our Lady at the 9am Mass. St. Matthew Youth Ministry has also partnered with a Norwalk-based organization- Books for Joy. Youth from all three age group programs are invited to collect children’s books in the front vestibule of the church this Sunday. We will then sort them and box them up between Masses.


May 5th: “Books for Joy” Book Drive Service Project


May 5th: ASCS 6th Grade Regional Youth Ministry

  • 4:00 PM-6:15 PM


May 12th: May Crowning

  • 9 AM Mass


May 18th: 3rd-5th Grade Youth Group  (Please note the date change)

  • 5:00 PM-7:00 PM in the Newman Center


May 19th: High School Youth Group

  • 6:00 PM-7:15 PM in the Great Room



Save the Dates!

June 9th: Graduates Mass @ 9AM- Please reach out to Katrina if you are graduating 5th grade, middle school, high school, college or beyond.

July 11th: 3rd Annual Summer Mission Day

July 26th- 28th: Steubenville East Retreat in Springfield, MA- application below

​​Steubenville 2024.docx



April 8, 2024 : I pray you all are basking in the joy and renewal that Easter brings to our hearts and communities. March was a remarkable month, filled with spiritual depth and connection. Now, as Easter unfolds around us, we witness the beauty of rebirth and rejuvenation in both nature and our spiritual lives. The saying “April showers bring May flowers” resonates with a deeper meaning in this season of resurrection. Easter showers us with grace, inviting us to grow, renew, and flourish in our faith and fellowship.
If you look at the calendar below you will see that there is only one event for HS and MS. This is because of Spring Break. We are lucky to have teens from so many different schools that it was impossible to match youth group with everyone’s schedules. If you are interested in coming to our event this Sunday PLEASSEEEEEE sign up so I can plan food accordingly.
I wish everyone a fabulous break and safe travels if you are leaving the area.
April 14th: Middle School & High School Youth Group
  • 6:00 PM-7:30 PM in the Newman Center
  • Video Games and Breakfast for Dinner
April 27th: 3rd-5th Grade Youth Group
  • 5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Save the Dates!
July 11th: 3rd Annual Summer Mission Day
July 26th- 28th: Steubenville East Retreat in Springfield, MA- application below

April 2, 2024
Good morning and Happy Easter. I hope that you feel spiritually rejuvenated from participation in Holy Week Masses, private prayer, and daily self-reflection. A special thank you to everyone who participated in Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday and those who came to watch and support the group.  Let us begin this first week of April 2024 with renewed confidence and joy in our hearts as we continue to celebrate the season of Easter.

Here is an updated list of events:

April 7th: 6th Grade Youth Group at All Saints Catholic School
  • 4:00 PM-6:15 PM
April 14th: Middle School & High School Youth Group
  • 6:00 PM-7:30 PM in the Newman Center
  • Video Games and Breakfast for Dinner
April 27th: 3rd-5th Grade Youth Group
  • 5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Save the Dates!
July 11th: 3rd Annual Summer Mission Day
July 26th- 28th: Steubenville East Retreat in Springfield, MA (reach out to Katrina for an application)


“Our hearts are restless until they rest in you, O Lord.” These words
often describe the spiritual angst that teenagers experience
throughout their high school years. Every teen has the desire to
belong. This weekend will help bring teens to life changing encounters
with Jesus as they experience amazing speakers giving witness
talks, praise and worship music, Adoration, high energy Masses, the
Sacrament of Reconciliation, small group discussions, fellowship
with other Catholic teens and MORE!

We leave Friday, July 26, at about noon and travel by car to Springfield,
MA. We return Sunday, July 28, late afternoon. The conference is
being held at the Mass Mutual Center and we will be staying at
Elms College. The cost is $375 including conference registration,
transportation via cars, lodging, a t-shirt and meals (dinner Friday,
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Saturday, Continental Breakfast Sunday).
Teens will be supervised by our Virtus-trained adult chaperones.
We have limited spots available, and they are first come, first
serve. Questions? Reach out to Katrina Pesta at 917-418-7555 or
via email at:

From Katrina: March 18, 2024
Happy Monday!!
I write this email is such a full heart. This past weekend we had close to 40 children and teens participate in youth ministry activities. It is so exciting to see our program growing and all the lives that are being enriched through Christ. As we prepare for Holy Week I continue to pray for our youth and give gratitude for the opportunity to work with them each week.
Our next event will be the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. Anyone 7th grade through college is invited to act out the stations with us. We could really use some more boys (college kids if you’re home for Easter)! If you would like to participate but are not comfortable with the idea of being in front of everyone I encourage you to sign up to help with lights, sounds or ushering. There is no memorization and everything is provided for you– INCLUDING PIZZA!
I hope everyone has a fantastic week,
Katrina Pesta
March  29th: Living Stations of the Cross
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. There will be a rehearsal the Sunday prior (3/24) as well as the morning of Good Friday (3/29). There are a variety of roles available so that everyone is able to participate.
April 7th: 6th Grade Youth Group at All Saints Catholic School
  • 4:00 PM-6:15 PM
April 14th: High School Youth Group
  • 6:00 PM-7:30 PM
  • Newman Center
April 27th: 3rd-5th Grade Youth Group
  • 5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Sign Up Genius will be posted after Easter​
Parents: please complete this form so we can collect important information regarding your child such as medical information, allergies, emergency contacts, photo release permissions, etc. Please return the forms to Katrina Pesta via email or at any youth ministry event.
We are in need of VIRTUS-certified volunteers for our Youth Group meetings. We urge you to prayerfully consider signing up to volunteer. Please reach out to Katrina with your availability.
If you are not VIRTUS-certified or are under 18-years old but wish to volunteer, please DO NOT sign up on our form linked above and contact Katrina Pesta, Youth Coordinator.
  • The parish is always looking for youth readers, ushers, altar servers and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. If you are interested in lending your time and talents in any of these roles please reach out to Katrina at
The Diocese of Bridgeport requires all volunteers over the age of 18 to complete one training & have a background check before they can volunteer. We are asking all parents to receive VIRTUS certification in order to volunteer for at least one Youth Group event a year.

If you are not VIRTUS trained, please refer to the instructions below to create an account and sign up for an online or in-person training session.

If you are unsure of your status, please go to the link below and enter your username and password to verify the validity of your certification:

1) Go to

2) Click “First-Time Registrant”

3) Click “Begin the registration process”

4) Select “Bridgeport, CT (Diocese)” from the drop-down menu

5) Proceed to follow the prompts and create a username and password

NOTE: It is very important that you select “Diocese of Bridgeport” when registering online for training.


For questions or assistance, please contact St. Matthew Safe Enviornments Coordinator at

March 11, 2024
Happy Monday!!
The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer for Easter through prayer, repentance of sins, almsgiving, simple living, and self-denial. As Easter grows closer we continue to prepare ourselves for the journey Jesus goes on. Please prayerfully consider being apart of the youth Living Stations. We could use a few more participants as well as someone to run the lights and sounds. Additionally, middle school and high school teens are invited to make Irish Soda Bread for the community helpers and have a Lenten reflection.
I look forward to seeing all three age groups this Saturday.
I hope everyone has a fantastic week,

Katrina Pesta

Upcoming Events:

March  16th: Middle and High School
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
March  16th: 3rd-5th Grade YG
  • Great Room 5PM-7PM
  • Glow Games and Pizza
March  29th: Living Stations of the Cross
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. There will be a rehearsal the Sunday prior (3/24) as well as the morning of Good Friday (3/29). There are a variety of roles available so that everyone is able to participate.

February 26, 2024
From Katrina:

I hope everyone had a great winter break. As we return to our typical schedules and routines it is easy to get distracted from the season of Lent. Easter will be here before we know it so I pray that we all have a chance to use this time to reflect. Father Miguel’s homily this week focused on the journey we take hiking up a mountain. We pack our backpack with water and snacks and the bag becomes rather heavy. While we continue up the mountain we eat and drink and the weight moves from our bag to our stomachs. Technically, we are still carrying the same weight but in a different location. Our ability to prepare accordingly find the positive in the journey helps us have a greater success in the end.
This week youth ministry has two events focusing on the 2 pillars of Lent- fasting and almsgiving. On Friday youth ministry is sponsoring the simple supper after stations. We need teens to help set up, serve and clean up. We will be in the great room from 6:15-8. You can come help for the entire time or just a little bit. The sign up link is below
Saturday is also our giant service project from 12pm-2pm. We will be putting together 50 Easter baskets for children around Fairfield County in need. I will be ordering pizza so please let me know if you will be there. THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL THREE YOUTH GROUPS- parents are also welcome to join. I will sign off on service hours for anyone that needs them!
Have a fantastic week!
Katrina Pesta

Upcoming Events:

Friday, March  1st: Stations of the Cross and Pasta Dinner
  • Stations of the Cross at 7PM: open to the entire parish
  • Looking for help from all three youth groups
  • Sign up to set up, serve or bring a meat-free pasta dish
Stations of the Cross at 7PM is open to the entire parish. Afterwards, youth ministry will be serving a simple pasta supper in the great room. All 3 youth ministry groups are invited to help at the event-  Sign up to set up, serve or bring a meat-free pasta dish
March  2nd: 8th Grade & High School
  • Easter Basket for several organizations around Fairfield County
  • Great Room from 12PM-2PM
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
March  16th: Middle and High School
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
March  16th: 3rd-5th Grade YG
  • Great Room 5PM-7PM
March  29th: Living Stations of the Cross
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. There will be a rehearsal the Sunday prior (3/24) as well as the morning of Good Friday (3/29). There are a variety of roles available so that everyone is able to participate.
Parents: please complete this form so we can collect important information regarding your child such as medical information, allergies, emergency contacts, photo release permissions, etc. Please return the forms to Katrina Pesta via email or at any youth ministry event.
We are in need of VIRTUS-certified volunteers for our Youth Group meetings. We urge you to prayerfully consider signing up to volunteer. Please reach out to Katrina with your availability.
If you are not VIRTUS-certified or are under 18-years old but wish to volunteer, please DO NOT sign up on our form linked above and contact Katrina Pesta, Youth Coordinator.
  • The parish is always looking for youth readers, ushers, altar servers and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. If you are interested in lending your time and talents in any of these roles please reach out to Katrina at
The Diocese of Bridgeport requires all volunteers over the age of 18 to complete one training & have a background check before they can volunteer. We are asking all parents to receive VIRTUS certification in order to volunteer for at least one Youth Group event a year.

If you are not VIRTUS trained, please refer to the instructions below to create an account and sign up for an online or in-person training session.

If you are unsure of your status, please go to the link below and enter your username and password to verify the validity of your certification:

1) Go to

2) Click “First-Time Registrant”

3) Click “Begin the registration process”

4) Select “Bridgeport, CT (Diocese)” from the drop-down menu

5) Proceed to follow the prompts and create a username and password

NOTE: It is very important that you select “Diocese of Bridgeport” when registering online for training.


For questions or assistance, please contact the Office of Safe Environment, Diocese of Bridgeport:

JANUARY 29, 2024
From Katrina: This Sunday’s gospel gives us some wonderful insights into our journey toward the heights of holiness and how Jesus is revealed to us in different ways. We must always remember to listen to the Lord and harden not out heart. As we enter into Lent we will continue to strive as a ministry to serve others and grow our faith so that we can spend our day to day lives growing in holiness and love for one another.
Sign ups are going to be looking a little different for February and March. Sign ups will be by event and listed below the dates in this email. The can also be found on the St. Matthew Youth Ministry Instagram (@stmatt_youth). During Lent our calendar has become more event based rather than our weekly Sunday evening events. This is designed to accommodate teens that are not available at that time. Our schedule is structured to provide teens with the chance to join youth ministry activities that appeal to their interests such as service or deepening their faith lives.
Please feel free to bring friends to any upcoming events. All they need is the release form at the bottom of this email. Even if everyone just invited one friend to one event we would be able grow each and every week.
Finally, I will be traveling next week with my school to Florida to rehab manatees that have been struck by boats- therefore there will not be a Monday morning email. Please pray for our safe travels.
Katrina Pesta

Friday, February 2ndMiddle School & High School Adoration   

  • 6-7PM in the church
  • RSVP not required

Saturday, February 10th:  3rd- 5th Grade Youth Ministry

  • 5-7PM in the Newman Center
  • RSVP not required

Sunday, February 11th: Middle School & High School “Soup”er Bowl

  • 10:30AM-1:30PM after mass
  • teens will collect cans after masses, organize them in the food pantry and then get ready for big game with nachos!

Wednesday, February 14th: Ash Wednesday- Don’t Forget to pick up your “Lent in a Bag” from Katrina after receiving your ashes

Sunday, February 25th: Soccer for the Soul
  • Join teens from several parishes in Norwalk for some pick up soccer, a Lenten reflection and snacks!
  • 1:00PM-2:30PM in the Rec Center
Friday, March  1st: Stations of the Cross and Pasta Dinner
  • Stations of the Cross at 7PM: open to the entire parish
  • Looking for help from all three youth groups
  • Sign up to set up, serve or bring a meat-free pasta dish
March  2nd: 8th Grade & High School
  • Easter Basket for Malta House
March  16th: Middle and High School
  • Making Irish Soda Bread
  • Great Room from 12PM-2PM
March  29th: Living Stations of the Cross

Want to register your child to be part of our Youth Group?
Download and fill out our Youth Group Registration form to receive email updates, learn about our upcoming events and stay in touch with Katrina!
All are welcome!!