Personal Services


Personal Services Available



Wednesdays, from 7:00pm       to 8:00pm

I Counseling        

Elizabeth Burt, MA, LPC, NCC:  MA, Clinical Mental Health Counseling; Licensed Professional Counselor; Nationally Certified Counselor. Every Wednesday for adults, youth and families.

Areas of specialty: 

Young adults, adults; Life challenges related to mental health and wellness, parenting/family/care giving, career coaching, and transitions counseling,.

Selected areas include anxiety and depression, stress management, care giving challenges (parent/children communication), wellness across the lifespan, academic/career indecision, college issues (adjustment, academics, disability services) 

Kristen Penta, LMSW and State Certified School Social Worker working with children, adolescent and families. First and Third Wednesday – especially for children related matters.

Specializing in childhood/adolescent disorders such as (but not limited to) AD/HD, Anxiety, Depression, Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities and Autism, and behavior challenges that may present in both the home and school setting.  Extensive experience working with children and families who have experienced varying types of trauma, as well as working with children in foster care.  Also experienced with crisis de-escalation and mental health risk assessment techniques. Vast experience in behavioral, social and emotional strategies for improving functioning in the home, school and community environments.  

II Consultation on Annulments

First and Third Wednesday of the month.  Those who have not attended the seminar on annulments or the December 15 meeting can walk in for general information.  Those who have attended the seminar and had the initial meeting can make an appointment for one on one meeting for any questions. Please contact Beth Ann Murray at (203) 410-8977 or


III Consultation on Immigration

Wednesdays of the month for those who wish to speak to a lawyer for advice, Mr. Anthony  Fables will continue to offer his services.  Anthony is not available the 1st Wednesday of the month.


IV Financial Consultation

Every Wednesday of the month Ron Koroscil, MBA, will be available to help anyone who would like to get advise on “How to live within one’s means”.  Ron specializes in budgeting and keeping on target.