The Face of Prayer

 Face of Prayer

On Divine Mercy Sunday, Bishop Caggiano announced an exciting new movement – The Face of Prayer – an online crusade that brings together social media, text alerts, and the power of prayer.

Are you willing to pray with the Bishop Caggiano every day? Text a selfie, your prayer intention, or the word “pray” to 55778 and join in the journey as we learn more about the power of prayer. Participants will receive a daily prayer intention from the bishop that ends with a call to prayer. The goal of the campaign is to have thousands of people – especially our young church – praying each day alongside the bishop as we grow together in holiness. Be the face of prayer and join today.

Bible Camp

Maker fun factory



SUNDAY, June 25th – Sunday, July 2nd 

                                         Registration is OPEN.  

                  We are almost out of room!  

Don’t miss out!  Get your registration in today

Imagine a world where curious kids become hands-on inventors who discover they’re lovingly crafted by God.  Camp will kick off with Mass at 9:00 am Sunday, followed by coffee and…. Camp will conclude Sunday, July 2nd, with Mass and a family celebration.  Registration forms are now available for campers and volunteers.   Reserve your spot today.*  Click HERE for Camper Registration Form (PDF).  Click HERE for Volunteer Registration Form (PDF).

 Mark Thursday, April 6th, 6:30 pm for an adult volunteer planning meeting.  

Any questions contact our Bible Camp email: 

*Not a registered member of Saint Matthew, your participation will be confirmed beginning May 8th.


Holy Saturday & Easter

Easter Sunday Weekend Graphic 3

Good Friday

Good Friday Constant Contact

Holy Thursday

2017 Holy Thursday Easter Triduum

Wednesday of Holy Week

2017 Wednesday of Holy Week

Tuesday of Holy Week

2017 Tuesday of Holy Week



Tickets on sale after all Masses this weekend.  If you have sold your tickets, thank you!  Please get the returns into the church office asap.

Swing into Spring




1ST PRIZE:  $10,000

2ND PRIZE:  $3,000

3RD PRIZE:  $2,000



Cocktail Reception in the Masterpool Great Room for all ticket holders  beginning at 7:00pm concluding with the drawing of the winners!

Tickets are available in the office.

Rafle Flowers

 Please bring your returns to the office as soon as possible

Holy Week & Easter Schedule

Holy week & Easter

Confession Schedule:

 Tuesday of Holy Week:    11:15am – 12Noon                                                                             7:00pm – 8:00pm

Good Friday:                      4:30pm – 5:30pm                                                                            7:45pm – 8:45pm

  No Confession on Holy Saturday

 Monday, April 10: 

                                               Mass 12:10pm & 6:00pm

                                              Adoration 1:00pm – 9:00pm

Tuesday, April 11:

Confession                   11:15am – 12Noon, 7:00pm – 8:30pm

                                         Mass 12:10pm  & 6:00pm

                                         Adoration 1:00pm – 9:00pm

Wednesday, April 12:

                                         Mass 12:10pm & 6:00pm

                                         Chrism Mass 3:00pm at the                                                                             Cathedral of St. Augustine

                                         Adoration 1:00pm – 7:30pm

Holy Thursday, April 13:  

                                         Morning Prayer 9:00am

                                         Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:30pm

                                         Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament                                            9:00pm – Midnight   (in the Chapel)

Good Friday, April 14:

                                         Morning Prayer 9:00am

                                        Outdoor Stations of the Cross                                                                                                         12Noon

                                        Solemn Liturgy with                                                                             Holy Communion           3:00pm

Confession              4:30pm – 5:30pm 7:45pm – 8:45pm

                                        Meditation on the Cross   7:00pm


Holy Saturday, April 15:

                                        Morning Prayer                9:00am

                                        Blessing of Food               2:00pm

                                        Easter Vigil Mass             7:30pm

 Easter Sunday, April 16

Mass Schedule:

                                   6:00am Sunrise Mass at the Grotto

                          7:30am  9:00am  10:30am  12Noon   5:00pm


St. Mother Teresa


       St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

     A Saint for Our Families

Special Guest Speaker:  Sr. Mary Seton, MC
Thursday, March 23rd after the 12:10pm & 6:00pm Masses

Sister Mary lived with the Mother Teresa for 20 years. She will speak about how St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta met the Lord in the face of suffering.