Louisiana Hurricane Relief, Fr. Tomi Thomas

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your prayers. It was scary to go through the onslaught of Hurricane Ida. We sustained damage to the roofs of our two churches, St. Jules and St. Elizabeth;  the Rectory, the School and Convent. Although the insurance will cover the roofs, the difficulty is that the deductible for all of these roofs is $100,000.

In addition, many of my parishioners also lost their roofs. We’re trying to help those who do not have insurance and those who need assistance with groceries.

If you would like to make a donation to assist the St. Jules Charity Fund, or for those who want to give online please go to:

St. Elizabeth Church, Paincourtville, LA Improvement Fund (osvhub.com)

St. Jules Church – BELLE ROSE, LA | Online Giving (osvhub.com)


In His Love,

Fr. Tomi


Rev. Dr. Tomi Thomas, IMS

St. Elizabeth and St. Jules