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 Memorializing a Loved One








Consider donating the Sanctuary flowers in honor of someone you love. Your loved one’s name will appear in the bulletin during the week of the gift. Please contact the Office: ext. 101.

  • Ordinary Time: $150
  • Sponsor Special Events: Your Child or Grandchild’s First Communions, Confirmation; Feast Days; Thanksgiving; Christmas, etc: $600. 

Consider lighting the Sanctuary Candle in Memory of your loved one.  The candle will burn for one week near the Tabernacle.  Our beeswax Sanctuary Candle burns 24/7.  

  • The Offering for the candle is $25.00.  Your loved one’s name will appear in the bulletin during the week of the gift.

Labor Day Mass

Labor Day Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 am on Monday, September 4th – please join us! There will be no regular 6:30PM Novena Mass because of the holiday. Our Parish Office will be closed Monday.